Sometimes unexpected can be good or bad. You are on a date, and it happens rain. You find shelter in a bus stop. Your date is cold, and you offer your jacket. While waiting out the rain, things just seem to click. No one else is in the universe besides you two. You have never been this open and vulnerable with another human, The rain stops, but neither of you want to get up.

Then the bad is when you aim to recreate that feeling. You mediate and reflect on the experience. You put so much effort into the second date. You find out your date was just visiting for the weekend from across the globe.

Extreme example but similar feelings. Like you get this rush of “this is meant to happen.” You attempt to recreate it, and the world seems to just shit on you. Like it is all just happen chance. Feels bad to encounter great people then things seperate you two. The feelings were real, but they’re simply a fleeting, yet vivid, memory

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