So, my GF naturally had a low sensitivity in her genitals, that worsened after starting taking antidepressants and birth control.
She is ok with having sex once or twice a week and sometimes even starting the act, but rarely can archive orgasm (always with her toy).
Is there a way to make it more pleasant for her? I don’t mind the small amount of sex, just that she says it is a “whatever” for her.
I need tips from people that were or are in a likely situation.

1 comment
  1. I have an extremely high libido but once upon a time, I was on antidepressants. Those necessary pills when depression hits you help a lot but kill sex drives. Even if the will is there, achieving orgasm can be a real challenge. Don’t talk about it too much to her. It may stress her out knowing you are putting emphasis on it and can depress her even more making things way worse. Your attentiveness to wanting to please your partner is honorable. But, right now if she is pleasing you and enjoys the intimacy of being close to you, then be happy with that. Not everyone has to take antidepressants forever but some do. Hopefully things will change for her. Until then though, don’t put emphasis on her orgasms. Put it on showing her you desire her with lots of kisses and “I love you’s” whispered in her ear. Good luck.

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