Me M turn [27] 4 days ago. Both of my parents devorce when I am 7. I immigrate to the us from asia at 15 and live with my uncle’s family. My cousins are smarts and got full ride to some ivy lead school. I did have an entreprenour mindset and did get at 17-24, hold a respectable in my friend circle and community, got my us citizenship, connect with my biological dad and bring him here, teach him how to get a job, help him buy his first house with my down payment and…..

After going through a lot of change in life etc – 4 car accident in 1 month, blew 270k in cash for stock market, broke up with my ex-fiancee, losing motivation for my own business, close that business that pull 7 figures, going to a lot of lawsuits and fire all my employee, not filing tax for 2 years and went unemployed for a year. Move back with my biological father ruin all my credit and not talking to anyone.

I decided it’s time for change, drive 1 hour to work everyday at 14 an hour and within 7 months change 2 jobs and now working as a manager making 55k a year for a small company in real estate, great environment, coworker, 17 mins away from home.

I am no longer having any motivation, don’t want kid, don’t want to date, don’t want to move forward, i am dead inside after seeing everything, experience everything, can someone please guide me….
How do you get motivation to have family back, move ahead and invest, love relationship after broke up with a couple of SO, how to choose the right one, how to move forward….

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