So, bois, guess it is a typical problem in the thread, but I really need someone’s opinion or advice. So, I am quite attractive guy(model), almost 21 yo, not a virgin if it is important.

My problem is that I want to date girls, but typically they don’t want to date with me. For instance, yesterday I offered 4 girls to go on a date(one girl at a time), where girl #1 is allways busy, girl #2 agreed and said that she will write me in the evening, of course she didn’t, girl #3 I offered to drink some coffee together, but she is too busy, girl #4 is just a little dumb, I offered her to go on a date like “Hey, tell me when you are free and I will tell you when are date is going to be” but she sad she doesn’t know. Right after that I started to hate every girl. Look, right after 4 declines I felt really upset and started to fell like I am never going to be in a relationship again. I used to have 2 girlfriends, but with both of them I dated less than a month and my last relationship was 2 years ago

The most important part is that I has found and texted these girls online. All of them I matched on a dating app, but in my country people don’t take dating apps seriously, so perhaps this is the answer. Another instance where I irl offered a really beautiful girl to go on a date one day, she agreed, but slowly while we were messaging it had ended up into nothing. I feel like I am just not interesting guy, or perhaps I act like a monkey, who wants girl’s attention and they don’t like it. I am a big fan of music and allways wanted to play a guitar, even more I have one, but do nothing about it. Very soon I bet I am going to hate myself, because right now I feel really lonely. This year I am going to spend in Asia, so it is even harder for me to find someone, because I will live in a counry where everyone speaks another language. I can speak it, but I am not as fluent as If I could speak my language.

Just tell me please what should I do now

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