Does anyone truly get over bring cheated on?
We did all the counseling and “recovery” steps and by any measure we have a great life with 2 awesome little girls.
Problem is I still get triggered by any mention of infidelity or see it in a movie etc. it sends me right back to that place. Also, fighting the thought of her betrayal during sex. Nobody has any idea of what I go through, even my wife. I have gotten very very good at hiding my issues it doesnt affect my personalty, other than deep down where it still hurts.
I thought because I went through the steps and all the time I would be past it it but I’ve realized this is a wound that will never truly heal.
I’m afraid to talk to my wife because she thinks we healed and it’s 100% in the past. Also I’m so afraid to risk my children being taken from me if I air my grievances and my wife wants to leave because I can’t get over it. Do I talk to her or keep it bottled up?

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