Basically I’ve just newly got out of a long term relationship, broke up with my ex a month ago. This new boy that I’ve been dating for two weeks has been so kind and took me out on dates and paid for them. I’ve spent a lot of nights over at his. He wasn’t happy that I was still entertaining other guys and keeping my options open even though it had only been two weeks and I said that I don’t want to rush anything and if it’s gonna go somewhere I’d like it to be slow. we decided to stop seeing each other because I felt like it was too soon and wasn’t sure if I was ready and didn’t want to leave him in a limbo. Now that I’ve done that I’m really regretting it and I can’t get the guy out of my head. I think I must like him more than I thought and I’m not sure whether to let him know and try fix things or to wait a month or so so I can be in a better headspace or try to find someone new. This guy really liked me and what if I’ve completely ruined this opportunity with a really good guy

1 comment
  1. I mean y’all mfs might not of been compatible lol. Wanting to be exclusive in the first two weeks is wild

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