I’ve been dating this girl for about a month and a half and we have been official for about a week. We haven’t had sex yet and I’m ready to take that next step in the relationship but my she is on the more shy and reserved side and I wouldn’t be too surprised if she is still a virgin. I’m 26 and she’s about to turn 27. We didn’t even kiss until the 4th date and I’m the one who always initiates the physical contact on our dates, and while she had been receptive its evident she is very shy. With my past girlfriend we did it on the 4th date and it progressed very naturally.

I think she’s really sweet and she’s everything I want in a girlfriend so I’m not frustrated with her or anything and would be fine moving at her pace in regards to sex. We haven’t had a lot of ample opportunity to have sex thus far since I live with my roommates and her with her parents so were never really alone.

So how can I broach the subject with her the next time I see her. Should I even bring it up or would that be awkward? I want her to be comfortable and know that I care for her.

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