So I work afternoons and generally get home around 9:30. We have two kids, the older is 7 and younger is 1.

1yo has decided they are a nocturnal creature and won’t sleep until 3-4am or so most days. The general division of labor has my wife pulling the night shift with the baby and me waking up to get the 7yo ready and off to school.

The fallout is that my wife generally sleeps until I’m leaving for work, if not later. I get home, make sure 7yo is squared away in bed, maybe eat something and tidy up or wash some laundry…and then I’m pretty much pooped from being up before 7:00. Yet I’m torn wanting to go to bed at midnight because I’ve only seen my wife for a few minutes.

I don’t fault her whatever sleep schedule is working for her- both kids are fairly neurodiverse and being a SAHM (plus driving some doordash to get the bills paid) is certainly as demanding as the 40 I work.

I know this is a challenge as old as relationships, so…how are you guys making it work? How do you stay functional for your workday while still making your partner feel special, paid attention to, and socialized with by more than two demanding kids?

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