My girlfriend is working part time while she finished university. The place she works is only until she leaves university and finds work somewhere else full time. It is a small team of around 7 people. She recently got a promotion which she was happy about.

She has to shadow another member of the team who does the same job she will be doing. They get on well but she’s mentioned that other people at work have commented on him liking her and saying they seem like a couple. She also mentioned that he spend a lot of time complaining to her about his girlfriend.

They have each other on social media and will message a bit outside of work. It started sounding like he was getting too close so I told my girlfriend I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable since it looks like he’s clearly interested in her and other people are picking up on it.

She asked what I wanted to do and I said to just maybe remind him to keep things professional and not to message as much outside of work possibly and then when she’s not shadowing him to maybe put some distance between them so he doesn’t get the wrong idea.

She got annoyed and said no and that she shouldn’t have to do any of that since nothing is happening between them. I said I know that but I don’t really want it to get to the point where he tries anything with her. She accused me of not trusting her which I told her was not true. She told me it keep out of it and that I was out of order for telling her how to act around a colleague. How would you handle this?

tl;dr my girlfriends colleague seems to be interested in her. I voiced my concerns to her and she said I was out of order and to keep out if it. How would you handle this?

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