This girl from my class and me (both 25) were vibing together for a couple of months already. During the holiday she drove 45 mins to walk with me. I did not think much of it but all the guys in my class think that she’s into me. I would not call it dating because there didn’t happen anything between us. I was not that sure that we would be a good fit.

This weekend there was a party with the whole class, and she was really drunk. Suddenly she was kissing with a friend of mine (who also said that she was into me). I’ve never seen her that drunk this year. I did not expect it but it kinda hurt me. While I was talking with some guys outside she called me 5 times, but I didn’t pick up. Then she appeared out of nowhere crying really hard saying sorry. She also said that she would not like it if the roles were to be reversed (but she was so drunk so I don’t know if I should believe it). We talked some time, took a taxi to her place and I stayed the night (nothing happened, I was still a bit pissed).

I have only received some snaps from her since. I really don’t know what to do and I feel kinda shitty. This made me realize I want to go for it but I really don’t know if she is honestly into me or not… she’s not the type to play games… what should I do?

  1. Well first id smack your friend who kissed her cause that wasnt cool lol but you do you. Mainly id just be honest with her. I mean if yall vibe than thats great but you both have to want to be together for it to work. Her coming out to see you and then kissing your buddy is kinda fucked if she actually is into you but hey, we all make mistakes, amd its not like yall were together in the first place. She showed remorse too so that counts for something. Ironically me and my ex of 9 years same thing happened after we were already fucking around when we first met but she assumed i didnt wamt to be with her relationship-wise amd some rando ended up coming onto her at a parry i wasnt at. We talked and i forgave her and thats when we started dating soooo who knows? But yah just tell her how you feel and if she feels the same she will reciprocate those feelings. Good luck!

  2. it would be alpha af to ditch her and not entertain her a minute more.

  3. A girl I know did basically the same in college. Except the guy she made out with has a GF so it was more sketch.

    I stonewalled her when she came crying. No emotions or anger but said that behavior was a dealbreaker for me.

  4. Drunk not an excuse, she’ll do it again. Do not take her serious, she’s for fun now. If you think you’ll catch feelings just having fun then cut her off

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