I’m seeing this guy casually for fwb and second time together he didn’t use a condom and the situation was as such that we had sex without a condom.

He’s been a really kind considerate guy before now but I’m seeing his selfish streaks and I’m wondering before I start seeing in black and white whether he is actually a bad guy faking being kind?

I have trust issues and am aware someone can switch from good to bad in my head in an instant if I’m triggered so I’m not sure of reality sometimes. Many things also point to him having a good character but I’ve been fooled by narcissists before and I’m terrified tbh.

I don’t wanna make him wear one because I get why he doesn’t want to, but there are anxiety inducing risks for me such as pregnancy and he didn’t seem very empathetic towards me.

I will speak to him again explaining the logical reasons I want him to wear one and that we can find good quality condom brands online. But of course if he says there’s no chance then I will just end it.

We are friends so I’m not sure whether he is a good person and someone I will be able to trust.

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