I (21M) have been dating this girl (20F) for about 3 months now. She still follows her ex and likes every post (he does same to her) she also likes every other post that has a photo of him. They broke up via text about 10 months ago, she says she has no feeling for him and also isn’t mad at him. But…
Before we met the first-time she compared me to him due to me and him having a “similar” personality. Saying he effected her a lot and that it took her a while to get over him. Also said that she haven’t seen/spoken to him since but that if she met him irl one day she wouldn’t know if she was really over it. She mentions him somewhat often (like once every 2-3 weeks).

I told her if that she’s not over him it’s not something I’m interested in engaging in (relationship/dating), she agreed and said it was fair and would like to give me a clean slate so to speak because she admitted to liking me a lot. But as mentioned still mentions him from time to time and likes all his posts still.

She’s sweet to me over text and also in person, shows affection and so on. But it’s a red flag that’s hard to ignore for me, kinda feels like I’m just there for attention or used to get over him with, might be dumb overthinking but I don’t know…

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