So I met this girl from Bumble a few days ago and we went on a first date the day after we matched. I’ve been on plenty of first dates and that one is probably the most unexpected. The girl was brutally honest and told me many things which she clearly knows does not reflect well on her. Some of these things include:

1. She confessed that she cheated in her last serious relationship because she was afraid the guy would cheat and wanted to be the one in power (by cheating first). When I asked her why she thought the guy would cheat, she said it was because her father has cheated on her mom for many times and that influenced her a lot. She did mention though that she’s been doing a lot of work on herself in the past 2 years.

2. She expressed several opinions that she clearly knows are mean/wrong. She would often preface her opinion by saying “I have something really mean to say”, and when I ask her what it was, she would say things like “all Indians smell like curry” and “I don’t date anyone dark-skinned.”

3. This is not necessarily something that reflects badly on her, but she has brought up several stories of guys trying to hit on her, date her, etc. From my memory, these stories seem unsolicited and I’m not sure why she was constantly bringing them up. Maybe she was insecure and trying to make me chase her?

Up till this point she’s been interested and wanted to go on another date tomorrow. I’ve also made it clear to her that I’m looking for something serious, but I think I’d ask Reddit: why does it seem like she’s sabotaging herself by telling me things about her that are clearly undesirable? Is she just being brutally honest, or am I missing a piece of the puzzle here? I’m kind of getting the feeling that she likes to play games so I’m treading very lightly here.

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