Context is important here, my friend hosted exchange students. One for several months, I fell in love with his host student and we are very happy together even though we are long distance. My friend has never dated, nor kissed anyone, and before he was always supportive of any relationship I entered. Except this time, he gets quiet, and stares at me weirdly, and usually makes fun of my boyfriend after. (He will also be going to stay with my boyfriend for 3 months as part of the program) Most of what I say is positive. About how he speaks of me highly and loves me very much, and how happy I am. Normally, my friend is very happy for me, but I can’t help but sense a change in behaviour.
We are all good friends, banter is very normal in our culture, but I don’t understand why he’s acting this way, and only on this topic. Can anyone help me understand?

tl:dr boyfriend is a host student, friend will be living with him for three months and is strangely unsupportive of us.

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