Hello there! I’m female 23 and I have a male partner 32.

I’ve always struggled to make friends. But it has gotten worse since I’ve been in my relationship (3 years).

My partner says that he doesn’t mind as long as I let people know that I’m in a relationship. But immediately after I do, they stop talking to me.

I’m usually approached by guys (and connect better with them), and perhaps that’s the problem. But I’ve seen many friendships from opposite sex and have their own relationships.

Plus, making girl friends is even harder for me. I don’t even know how to start talking to a girl, etc.

Another thing: I’ve been invited to his group friends, but I don’t feel comfortable with them. And as much as a try, I can’t connect. So I wish I had my own group or at least one close friend.

Any advice or suggestion would be deeply appreciated. Thank you!

**TL;DR;** : How to make friends while in a relationship**

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