Weird question, I know. I’ve been thinking maybe I give up way too easily, and take shyness or nervousness as a no and leave them alone (not excluding common sense). But, someone who I thought was never interested in me, always wondered why I stopped trying to talk to them and being around. I’m so scared of being seen as a creep, I have missed a lot of chances. Saying the wrong thing and not saying anything at all, all because I don’t want to be seen as a bad guy or pushy.

I’ve been thinking, in my case anyway, should I just wait for a direct no or obvious hint of a no and stop being a coward, or am I doing the right thing? I know a lot of people are shy, maybe anxious, and I can read it wrong as fear of me in a bad way or they are uncomfortable in a bad way. I look back a couple times and remember when my social anxiety and insecurity were really bad, some girls have taken interest in me and I was so anxious I looked bothered or put them off – so why can’t it be the way around?

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