I (18m) and dating L (18f). We have been dating over a year and we have many memories together. The only problem is in the last couple months I’ve started loosing the love I feel for her.

I don’t want to hurt her because I care about her more then anything but I don’t love her like a girlfriend anymore. I love her like a best friend.

I don’t want to end things but I feel like I have to because of the effect this is having on my mental health.

I know if I break up with her then she will become depressed (she doesn’t have the best household and I’m basically her security blanket and happiness). I don’t want her to think that she has no one because she will still have me it’s just I don’t want to be with her.
I love her but don’t want to be with her.

There is more to the story but I don’t want this to be too long.

Please does anyone have any advice and can you help me. Her birthday is on the 23rd and I don’t want to ruin her 19th so I’m in a situation I don’t know what to do in.

TL;DR I love my gf but I don’t want to be with her anymore because I have lost my feelings of being with her. She is amazing but I have not felt the same for 2 months and I think it’s time to end things but I don’t know how

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