What are the kinks you have that you wish your partner would agree to ?

  1. I would be down to fool around with another couple if the vibe was right. We found out some friends of ours have done that, and on the way home, my wife said “That is so completely disgusting.”

    So… I guess I’ll take that to my grave.

  2. FFM or letting me record us (or even give me pics). She’s mildly open to the first one, but I suspect it’ll be a while if ever that she’d let that happen

  3. I have a fetish for big thick oversized sweaters, you know, the kind of sweater where the sleeves are way too long and that you can get lost inside.

    My kink is to tie up a woman while she is wearing one of these sweaters or to be tied up myself in a sweater.

    Every woman that I’ve ever got out with has humored me by allowing me to tie them up in a sweater but none of them except one has ever been into it.

    The woman who was into it was into just about anything sexually and she was the only woman who tied me up while I was wearing one of her big sweaters.

  4. To be pursued, to feel craved, to feel attractive, to have her initiate affection and/or sex maybe just once.

    It will probably stay a fantasy though.

  5. I want to preface this comment with, I have NEVER in my life been more sexually or emotionally satisfied that I am with my partner. I got out of a 15 year toxic relationship that I stayed in way longer than I should have because of low self esteem and figuring I couldn’t find someone else and something was better than nothing. My girlfriend is the most amazing person in the world and makes me beyond happy!! She does almost everything I want in bed without hesitation and with enthusiasm and of course I do the same in return. She has an equal, if not higher, libido than I do so if I don’t get this one thing I want, I’m totally ok with that.

    I want to cum on her face, she let me do it once and didn’t like it. I 1000% love and respect her so I fully respect her boundaries and will never push it. It does come up every once in a while as a joke or where she brings it up and says “maybe I’ll let you do it on vacation” and then it doesn’t happen which is totally and utterly fine. She of course has a right to change her mind. She will let me finish literally anywhere else I want, including her mouth and she will swallow. And I’ve had the snip snip so it really can be anywhere. All of it is so hot, I’m totally fine if I never again get to do it on her face. But it something I really want to do occasionally.

  6. (Sorry didn’t read what sub this was posted in)

    *Hold my hand in public and say loudly, in a crowd, that you love me*

  7. My partner is sexually submissive to an extreme degree.

    I have a lot of fun with that, but I’d *love* to switch and be dommed some of the time, and they’d never do that.

  8. Somnophilia, threesomes, erotic roleplay, gentle femdom, bondage, costumes, contortionism, free use, CNC, gloryholes, latex, lactation kink, sex slave roleplay.

    Some of these I haven’t mentioned to her yet due to embarrassment, but a good chunk of them are completely off the table. I’m not complaining though, we still have a really great sex life.

  9. I’m sure my wife would agree to almost anything. I don’t want her to just agree, I want her to enjoy the kinks I have.

  10. Bondage. My wife and I dabble in it but not to the extent I would like. It just kinda comes and goes sporadically. It’s too bad because she does a good job when it does happen

  11. Pretty tame really. She’d be tied up on the bed and blindfolded. I’d eat her pussy until she cums, then fuck her pussy and pull out to cum on her stomach. Then we’d be asleep by 10.

  12. Watersports, face fucking, tongue and saliva play. I think those may be the biggest realistic ones.

    I definitely have an oral fetish, but I also feel like the tongue gets a bad rep when it comes to anything other than putting it on genitals. Tongue kissing is very underrated in my opinion. I mean, there are tons of very sensitive nerve endings there, you can feel the tiniest little thing in your mouth, and you also get to feel taste. Alas, most of my partners have been a bit apprehensive when it comes to the use of tongues in kissing (and I’m not charging in like a bull or anything) which I respect, but quietly wishing for more.

    Face fucking kinda speaks for itself, I think. Along with the oral fetish, I obviously love oral sex. Though, like with the kissing, I wish for more.

    Watersports is the one kink I wouldn’t even know if a partner shared or not. I haven’t dared share that with anyone for fear of the possible blowback. It always seems to me like the thing someone is either into, or they are so disgusted by it, they will never look at you the same again.

  13. Before my wife had kids, she’d let me eat and finger her ass. She doesn’t let me anymore. Sucks because I’ve yet to have a kiss as passionate as when I had my finger in there.

  14. I think I’m just very vanilla or getting old. I don’t really want to bring other women into our bed. Too much going on there. Butt sex is definitely not something I want to do. I don’t even like watching anal porn so I’m not putting my dick in there. Think I’m in the minority here. I do love bjs. Like, a lot. While my wife still blows me after 23 years of being together, she’s not fond of letting me bust in her mouth. Once a year maybe I get the full treatment. Normally is all the way up to the moment of release and then I need to pull out and point it somewhere else. So I guess I wish my wife would take it deep and swallow it all way more often (like she used to when we were much younger).

  15. You know how some women have a daddy kink? It’s not so much about fantasizing about their *actual* father, it’s more wanting to be in a relationship where one can surrender control to a partner in the bedroom and feel safe, loved and cared for. I’m not a daddy myself but I *totally* understand the sub’s perspective. I wouldn’t mind a little gentle femdom.

    I’m also not completely straight. I’d love to explore that with a partner I really trusted in a MMF threesome where she gently encouraged me to play with another guy.

    I know that’s unlikely to happen, and this fantasy is more me dealing with the rampant homophobia and fear of being abandoned / shunned than something I’d actually do in real life.

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