Women who are covered in freckles, how do you feel about having so many?

  1. I’m good with them, sucked as a kid growing up in Florida when it also means you don’t tan but hey high school was going to suck anyway 🤣

  2. I’m fine with them now but had a hard time as a kid/teen. They were just another thing people used to torment me.

  3. honestly they are pretty but i happen to be genetically more likely to get skin cancer. trying to keep track of the healthy ones and dangerous ones is a very stressful game

  4. I love my freckles. They really come out in the sun every year. No one’s ever commented, negatively or at all, about them.
    I did go out with a guy once, he was from South Africa. As a child he said he was called dirty all the time, and told to wash his face. How horrible is that.

  5. I have a family history of skin cancer so I wish they weren’t there or that I didn’t need to worry about them developing cancer.
    Aesthetic wise it’s not something I think of often.

  6. When I was a kid my best friend was a boy who lived 2 doors down from me that I grew up with. I still remember clear as day being 7 and at school confiding in him that I was self conscious of my freckles, and he said “without freckles you’d be like a night sky without stars”. Really changed my view on them. I love them now, but they’ve also faded with age. When I first started wearing makeup I used to think you were meant to try and hide them, but now that I’m older I specifically wear foundation that lets them shine through

  7. They’re just skin pigmentation. I had a lot of other things that were easier to bully me anout in school so freckles were not a target anyone bothered with. I find freckles on other people more attractive.

  8. I used to hate them when I was a kid. I was tall and gangly and very pale too, so I felt like they just added to the things that made me different, and when you’re young all you want to do is blend in.

    But NOW, I love them. They’re something that makes me more unique, and they remind me of my dad and grandmother, who I got them from. Tbh my first boyfriend was a big factor in how I feel about my freckles now, as he adored them and knew them well enought that he could tell when I got any new ones if we hadn’t seen each other in a while.

  9. Now I think they’re cute. When I was younger I was pretty unhappy with them as I couldn’t tan and I assumed people (read boys) would think they were ugly!

  10. I’ve been at the beach since Friday and every day more freckles show up. I texted my sister yesterday “if only I could live at the beach, my transformation into dad would be complete within 6 months”.

  11. I love them now as a kid not so much. Endlessly teased by other kids and pinched by adults. Now my SO goes crazy for my freckles and they make me feel sexy.

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