[TL,DR: woman I’ve been on 2 dates with is wonderful in person, but extremely unresponsive with texts now that we’ve seen eachother off app. What do?]

Matched with a girl on Bumble the day after Christmas. Text convo was kinda bland, but we both “checked a lot of eachothers boxes” and shared some interests, so I still asked to meet up

We went on a coffee date that Saturday and things went great and we ended up just walking around town for another hour or so before it got dark and she had to leave.
She said she had a wonderful time and asked me if I wanted to go on another date with her next week and suggested a fun local spot.
She said she was expecting to be insanely busy with work, so we’d have to work out an exact time later.

We part ways and I ask her to text me when she gets back. Her drive back is about 45 minutes from where we were and I didn’t hear from her for 3 hours.
I eventually just text her first saying I had a good time and that I was looking forward to [said local activity]
She texts back an hour after that saying she also enjoyed the date and will let me know what her schedule looks like.

I don’t hear back from her for another 5 days. Messages prior to this were at least 1 a day. I understood her work was busy, but I figured maybe she could’ve made at least a little time to say something(?)
So I assume after that long she’s just not interested despite how well the date went.
I send her a text saying I’d still be down for another date, but I wish her well if she’s just not interested.

She texts back the next day being super apologetic because work has been swamped and saying she’d still really like to go out again.
I accept the apology and we manage to work out a date and end up scheduling for this past Tuesday.

We meet up and things go great again. Time flies and she seems really interested in me again and I’m having fun learning more about her.

At the end of the date, I suggest going out again and she likes the idea I pitched, but again didn’t know her schedule. She said that her workload thankfully wasn’t too busy anymore and she’d have an idea of what her free time looks like within the next two days.

We hug (which was surprising because she expressed to me she’s not comfortable with being touched) and part ways for the night and I text her I got back home safe (I drove the 45 minutes to get to her this time) and that I was really looking forward to next week

Never got a response to that message.

On Thursday night I messaged her with some small talk and then asked if she ever figured out when she’s free for next week.

Also no response.

This woman has been the most entertaining and interesting date I’ve had since downloading these dating apps, so I’ve been making sure to have time set aside for her to figure out her schedule.
It’s Friday now and past the time when I know she’d be awake and I’m starting to wonder if it’s even worth putting other plans on hold for her anymore.

But at the same time, there’s pretty good chemistry in-person and she has expressed to me that work is sometimes overwhelming.

So I’m not sure if I’m just being impatient, or if I should cut my losses because “mixed signals” almost always lean towards “not actually interested”

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