Before I did any cosmetic surgery, I would consider my physical attractiveness to be a 6.5/10, I was on the skinnier side and was short ( 5’7 or 170cm ). I’ve gotten a rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery as well as a limb lengthening surgery that helped increase my height from 5’7 to 5’11 / 170cm to 180cm. I also go the gym a lot and that helped me put on weight and became really fit.

I am extremely happy with the result, as I’ve had no complications and I became a lot more confident in myself. I would rate myself to be a 9/10 right now, and I do not regret having done it.

Ever since, I’ve been getting way more attention from women, I’ve even had women approach me and offer to buy me drinks. However, I am quite nervous to reveal this to the women I date, I’m afraid they will view me differently and potentially leave me afterwards.

So, women of reddit,

1. Would you date a man who’ve had cosmetic surgery?
2. When should I be revealing this information to my dates?
3. Does it matter if both parties have no desire to have children?

  1. i feel this isn’t something you’re required to tell people you’re just dating, whether or not someone has surgery shouldn’t be a factor in dating dont stress it!

    but if it’s an official girlfriend or someone you may have children with then yea they should be aware, it should just come up in conversation

  2. 1. It depends. There are a lot of situations where people get cosmetic surgery because they have deep-seated issues and think fixing their appearance would solve the problems. That’s usually a sign someone is not mentally or emotionally healthy, so in this case, I would not date them. However, if someone got cosmetic surgery and they’re now very happy with themselves inside and out, then I would consider dating them.

    2. Think about people who lost a lot of weight or had braces (without cosmetic surgeries). They probably will share these things if the conversation requires it, but they don’t walk around needing to advertise it. I think you can take the same approach. Also, don’t be ashamed of it. It was a choice you made that was good for you. People who mind don’t matter and people who matter don’t mind.

    3. I suppose not. But again, I care more about someone’s mental and emotional health than their appearance, regardless of whether we have kids or not.

  3. Limb lengthening surgery? Was that you that was on the news a couple of weeks ago concerning limb lengthening surgery?

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