To preface my family is religious, they believe you should get married before living together and sex of course. Well, not publicly known in my family but my fiance and I are already together romantically so to speak. We get married in four months, and have been long distance for the last few months as-well. The wedding date is set but are moving to a place before since we already know we are getting married and don’t have any religious concerns for living together before marriage.

His family already knows and is fine with it, I’ve told my parents and they don’t think it’s the best idea but know it’s my decision. Now telling my family is a tougher situation, many of them will be asking me where he’ll be living since he’s moving closer again. So far I’ve avoided the question saying I’m not sure, when really we’ve already signed a lease together.

I’m not sure what to tell them. I don’t think they would actively shun me but I do think they have different ideas and may pass some judgement to me. Either way my fiancé and I are going to live together, any advice to break the news? I do love my family. (Maybe we could just get married in a courthouse then have a ceremony and reception later, we’ve talked about it and aren’t apposed it’s all the same to us. Would avoid the hassle of the family complaining 😂.)

Any real advice? Or experience with something similar? Thank you so much for the read and any help you may give!!

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