I get that a lot of people are assholes, but it’s starting to get out of hand where multiple people are developing hatred not just people at school. I’m not ugly or attractive I’m very average looking in appearance. I’ve seen people who were much quieter and louder than me who were generally liked or had lots of friends. I know not everyone is going to like me but I really wish I knew the exact reason why others seem to be turned off by me.

  1. What makes you think people dislike you? A lot of times we confuse neutral expression with coldness, lack of engagement or distraction with dislike. I don’t know what’s your situation like and if that can be applied here.

  2. If everybody is treating you this way, then you are the one doing something wrong.

    It is statistically impossible that “everyone” dislikes you for no reason.

    You have a trait or behavior that makes being around you undesirable. Self reflection and maybe asking people around you what’s up is the best course forward.

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