There’s a lot to this. We’ve been dating maybe 6 months but got serious very fast. She’s had health issues in the past and had a miscarriage in a previous relationship. I have a daughter from a previous relationship and we’ve talked about kids in the future, but I’ve made it clear my biggest concern is her health. I want her all set before we’d ever talk about trying. A few months back, there was a lapse in her birth control. We used condoms to be safe until things were back to normal, except one night. It was spontaneous, and I pulled out. She’s traveling right now to help a friend and after a night of drinking she broke down and told me. We were arguing about something else and I already felt terrible. She said she was carrying my baby and it didn’t survive. She’s debating a D&C because of health concerns. And I just don’t know what to do or how to feel. I’m angry and hurt. But I also want to understand why. But I also want to support her and love her. She sent me the ultrasound and a name that she’d thought of. She’s internalizing and blaming herself that she couldn’t keep our baby alive. So I guess the most specific question I have is how do I find a balance? I’m mad at her but I understand. I’m hurt but I need to support someone who’s hurting. Neither of us can turn to family rn because of some life circumstances. How do you overcome and forgive?

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