Sorry if I sound really dumb or tone deaf or anything, and if it‘s too personal or invasive of a question I understand completely. But for guys (or at least for me), it’s always like this — you’ll become stimulated enough until you orgasm, and then you lose ALL sex drive for several hours to around a day, and that’s what lets me know that I’m done with sexual activity for now (note that I’ve never actually had sex, if I did I would make sure my partner was done first too before stopping) because after orgasm I have absolutely zero interest in any sort of sexual activity in any way. It’s like all of my hormones just stop completely and that’s how I know I’m done. So I guess my question is less about orgasms specifically but more about arousal patterns and sex drive. So among my questions are things like – does having an orgasm \*not\* kill your arousal? Because I can’t possibly imagine how that would work because to me an orgasm, like I said, is what lets you know “Okay, this is the end.” Because if not, how do you know when to stop? Sorry if I’m wording this poorly, I’m just really trying to understand but I genuinely can’t wrap my head around it. 😭

  1. So if men orgasm, it’s like reaching a cliff and going over. It’s stronger, the longer it takes to reach orgasm.

    For women, multiple orgasm is a whole series of cliffs, each one a little higher than the other. They get stronger with each orgasm.

    How do you know when to stop? Exhaustion, can’t breathe, can’t handle it without screaming. You just know when it’s enough. We got things to do, places to be!

  2. I don’t think there’s one answer to this but for me personally if it’s solo and I orgasm, im over it . but usually with a partner I go back to pleasuring them and get turned on all over again if that makes sense. women often have less of a refractory period between orgasms but I’ve been with men who can also get going right away after finishing and finish again! it’s a personal thing

  3. Guy here, and while I also experience the drop-off in sexual interest post-orgasm…that doesn’t have to mean the end of sex.

    I’m still invested in her as a person/my sex partner, so even after orgasm at the very least we’ll cuddle and kiss. If she is still wanting to engage in sex acts I can definitely pleasure her with my fingers and/or my tongue. If anything, I enjoy doing these things post-orgasm as I’m no longer thinking about my pleasure in any way, and can just focus on her.

    While this is going on I may/probably will get my sex drive back, and if she’s up for it, we can have penetrative sex again. So…men are capable of multiple orgasms too, just in a different way.

  4. Guy here. Not all of us have that refractory period or need to stop. I’m 50 and still good for several rounds with just a minute or two between.

  5. Woman here. It depends on the type of orgasm. For me, vaginal orgasms can keep going over and over and get bigger and better. I could go all night. Clitoral orgasm on the other hand I may need a break after. I don’t like them as much. They peak too quickly and don’t feel as epic to me. Almost like they are a lesser experience for me. But we are all different. I can also have energy orgasms. They are orgasms that happen without even having my genitals touched. It’s from the connection between my partner and I. It could happen when we are spooning or if he kisses my neck or sucks on my nipple. These blow my mind.

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