I’m a university student in my second year.

In my first year I attended one university, but for the final 2 years of my course I am now at a completely new university (Just the way the course runs apparently). I didn’t struggle to make friends at all in my first year, as I mainly befriended the people I had been housed with. But they aren’t on my course and still attend the other university, which is quite far from me now, so I dont really see any of them.

I am now in a situation where I am living with people that are ok but not the most friendly, and they never want to go out or socialise. I feel a bit anxious entering any of the university social spaces, as I’m just not used to the way things work – for example if I am even allowed to be in this space. And because I’m technically a second year, we don’t get the same freshers treatment, and you’re kind of expected to have gotten into the swing of things by now. It feels like it’s too late to join any kind of society, and I’m too worried to go into the student bar alone.

I just feel a bit like I’m wasting the time I have at uni, and would really like to make some friends that I can do stuff with like I did last year. I even got a job on campus in the hopes of making new friends. I added a couple of people on instagram, and even messaged them, but the conversations seemed to die before I could even invite them to do anything with me.

I know I probably just need to grow up, but I just don’t know how I would even befriend people if I did go to the social areas on campus? I tend to overthink things, and then they usually end up being not so bad. I think I just need a little bit of advice and maybe a push. I almost contacted my course leader to perhaps get some help, but I ended up backing out because I felt like kind of a loser.

Any advice would be appreciated. TIA

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