What was an insecurity you had as a child/teen that you laugh at now?

  1. My butt šŸ˜… no matter what I wore, it was just always noticeable. Now at 24, I love it!

  2. My very pale skin. I think it’s so gorgeous now and want to strangle my wildly fake-tanning/orange teenage self

  3. My freckles. Love them now. Seeing how far people will go to have them now is almost disturbing but wtf ever lol

  4. I could NOT wear scented deodorant. I was just starting to get sweaty and learn about using deodorant. I had a scented deodorant and I could SMELL it!! Other people could smell my deodorant!! I was so mortified I walked around in a huge jacket all day trying to contain this (very pleasant) smell.

  5. In 6th grade, I wore womenā€™s 7.5 shoes. I was scared my feet would keep growing. Do they make huge sizes? Will I have to wear menā€™s shoes? Is there a surgery to correct this? Do I need toes?!

    I now wear a size 8. šŸ˜„

  6. My red cheeks and nose people i thought it made me look as tho I’m flirting with a person even when I wasn’t

  7. Wearing pretty clothes. It sounds ridiculous now, but as a teen I felt like a brain in a jar: I didn’t think I could be smart AND pretty, so I chose smart.

    Now I’m even smarter and I know that wearing cute clothes doesn’t make me look vain or dumb, just… confident.

  8. I was so insecure about my curly hair and now itā€™s one characteristic I get most complimented on.

  9. 1. My ears. They stick out and I used to be so embarrassed wearing my hair pulled back as a kid. It got to the point where my mom said I could get surgery to have them pinned back when I turned 16 if it still bothered me, lol. Now I donā€™t even notice or care.

    2. My skin. I am SO pale. I donā€™t tan, I only burn and peel. My sisters and dad all get very tan easily so I always felt very insecure during the summer. It didnā€™t help that I had older family members saying ā€œdo you ever go outside??ā€ anytime they saw my skin. I did fake tan for a long time and I still do occasionally, but I really donā€™t care about how pale I am anymore. I just wish I didnā€™t burn within 3 minutes of being outside in the summer lol

  10. My thighs “flattening and looking bigger” when I was sitting down. Jesus Christ, all those years I’ve been sitting with my heels raised like a freaking ballerina…

  11. My ears šŸ˜Ŗ It took forever to grow into them. And the sad thing is, no even had to point them out or even make fun of them for me to notice. I’ll never forget that exact moment of really looking at them as a very little girl and breaking down in tears. But thank goodness I grew out of that because they’re normal now and I don’t care.

  12. I was 15 when I went from a B to a D cup. Going to an all girls school. I absolutely hated my boobs.

    Almost got bullied off the Swim Team.

    These days. I just laugh at all the staring.

  13. Changing my tampons with other girls in the school bathroom. Talk about sweat-inducing. I had deep shame about having a period and had no clue where that came from. But 30 years later, I’m loud and proud that I still have one lol

  14. My boobs. They came in when I was 15, 34DD. And have been that size ever since. I was so self conscious about them, how people saw me, etc. Now I love them and I cant believe the stuff I would do to hide them and be ashamed by them.

  15. I thought I was fat.

    I spent six days a week in a ballet studio, and when I was 18, I topped out at 5’4″ and 120 pounds.

    Staring at oneself in a floor-to-ceiling room-length mirror while wearing a leotard and tights for hours a day will sometimes mess with your head. Add the pressure on all of us from the dance world and from various media sources to look a certain way, and it’s a wonder that more of us didn’t end up with eating disorders.

    Fat. Dear God. What a maroon I was.

    Also, I have a bubble butt that I was also self-conscious of (see above). Now, it sort of melts into my middle-aged

  16. Having a big butt and muscular thighs made me think I was fat growing up. Also, my freckles. I still get a little uncomfortable when people compliment my freckles but itā€™s less awkward.

  17. i used to be really insecure about my ears bc they stick out a bit, i used to religiously try to hide them with my hair. four years ago i buzzed all my hair off, itā€™s still a buzz today and i havenā€™t thought about my ears once.

  18. My leg hair. If I had missed even one hair while shaving, I was mortified. Now I don’t shave my legs at all even in summer. My husband doesn’t care, why should i?

  19. Being the smart one in class. I purposely started not answering questions and pretending to be dumb because it was embarrassing to be seen as a know-it-all. I wish I had just embraced it.

  20. All the women in my family have big lips, boobs and butts. I already had the lips and was showing signs of getting the boobs and butt even at 9.

    These features (except maybe the boobs) were considered the opposite of beautiful in the ‘heroin chic’ era and I _hated_ them. If only I knew how much things would change…

  21. My knees are slightly darker than the rest of my leg. I was embarrassed to wear clothes that showed my knees. I thought guys would be turned off by that. Until my late 20s and I realised nobody gives a fuck and nobody would even notice or care for the slight difference.

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