I’m a woman and asking to prove a point to my darling husband. We have sex on average 3 times a week. He thinks that’s normal if not a little less than average. He’s not complaining but I’m genuinely curious. We both work full time, I go to the gym daily, kids are both under 7 and have 3-4 activities each week.

What’s your average?

  1. Early 40s, married since 2005. Last time was maybe April? If you can keep that fire burning you’re a lucky couple.

  2. Sometimes 3, sometimes 0. Probably 1-2 on average. I’d bet that 95% are less than 3 times a week.

  3. Once per week. We have a 5 year old. It was easier/more frequent when the kid was younger and took naps. That was our time lol. But weeknights we are often tired and weekends the kid is around.

  4. Married 17 years. Both early 40s. 3 kids, 2 under 10. I work full time, my wife homeschools our children and volunteers during the week. We both workout regularly and I play an organized sport 1-2x weekly.

    We average 2+ per week. We schedule 2 nights (works well for us, we call it date night) and occasionally there’s an extra night. We’ve had periods of much more (went 11 days straight one Christmas break) and much less, depending on life circumstances.

    My wife is very sympathetic to my needs (not in a guilt way, more like she gets it and wants to be there for me even if she’s not 100%). I often feel like I hit the wife jackpot.

    I’m very content with our frequency.

  5. Probably 1-2 a week. It’s summer where we are so I get more blowjobs than sex. It’s just ‘cooler’ that way.

  6. 39. 2 kids between 5 and 9. Both full time jobs. I’d say 2-3 times a week but can be once a week or could be 4 times a week. All depends on a lot of stuff. When she gets her monthly friend it can be like 10 days or more between.

  7. Wow OP, i think you got a good routine going. Still maintaining a family, healthy lifestyle, and getting down a few times a week? I think that’s pretty good.

    Edit: removed comment about husband needing a hobby. It was an oversight of mine to not understand that from the original post.

  8. Each week? lol, well if I put our frequency at a weekly average it would be around .12 times per week. Or in other another way, once every 9-10 weeks. I’d kill for three times a week.

  9. We are like 8 times a year sadly. I work out she doesn’t my libido is really high. Im thirsting over my kid friends mom its really bad.

    My wife doesn’t like contraception and she doesn’t want more kids so here we are.

    Aside from that everything is good.

  10. Married for 15 years, mid 40s, 2 kids under 15. We will go on streaks. During the good streaks we will have sex 1-2 times a week. This usually only lasts a couple weeks at most. The bad streaks can last a couple months between sessions. I would say on average maybe 2 times a month.

  11. Upper 40’s married to a great woman for 24 years. Still average 3 times a week probably. Seems like it’s about every other day. It’s an important part of a successful marriage.

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