Title. Is it normal to feel awkward when you see someone you know from say school in public with your parents? I feel this happens to me all the time. It’s mainly people I haven’t told my parents much about (like classmates I know really well, but are not really friends per say). I think when it gets really awkward (and this just happened to me and that’s why I came and wrote this) is when you see someone you know or a friend of the opposite gender when you’re with your parents. I think for me, it’s just also annoying that they then start asking questions when I don’t want to answer all of them about whoever it is. And of course, with the opposite gender one, it becomes awkward and it makes me think they might start to wonder if they’re a boy/girlfriend that you haven’t told them about.

So what about y’all? Any of y’all feel awkward when you’re around your parents and you see someone you know in public? For me, when I’m not with my parents, it’s much better, but still a little awkward. Is there anyway I can snap out of being so nervous about seeing people I know in public?

1 comment
  1. How old are you? If you’re middle school/ early-high school then this is totally normal. Just know that no one is judging you for being with your parents. If you don’t want to answer a lot of questions, you can just say “someone in my class.”

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