Was hoping to relocate with her this year however i was laid off in dec. Going to japan will good for her career as she has direct reporting lines of Tokyo. My current situation is i have 16 months of living expenses. Some amount in investment account. Im a follower on the fire movement, [did a post asking for help recentl](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fire/comments/194y6rs/retrenched_in_dec_have_more_than_a_years_living/)y.

I’ve more than 10 years of experience in investment banking. i dont speak any japanese language, she does and know the country well. She will be on expat salary package with housing allowance if we move. Im not sure which visa will i be on as we didnt speak much on it, the laid off was a curved ball and my mind is still trying to process it . Reasons for not relocation is i dont have an income, i dont speak the language thus i will be heavily dependent on her for the 6months while i take on language classes. I doubt i will get close to half of my last drawn salary ($210k per year) if i were to find a job in japan. She isnt bent on relocation but me trying to be a good life partner, i want to support her career.

The future for banking and tech seems bleak as the past 2 years companies have been laid off workers frequently. In addition 2 of my friends around my age were laid off, subsequently found employment but with a 20% pay cut. i dont want to sound negative but getting laid off in your 40s is a career suicide. You are older , more expensive, less mid management jobs around. Theres so much [bad](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/citi-layoffs-2024-20000-job-cuts-jane-fraser/) [news](https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/11/24034124/google-layoffs-engineering-assistant-hardware) around, it is really affecting my mental health.

i really need some advises here, thanks for reading.

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