There is guy I’ve spotted a couple of times very recently shopping in my (F) local supermarket (UK) and I quite literally whimpered when I saw him for the first time and each time we’ve passed since… Fyi, my ‘physical type’ isn’t conventional and is pretty niche, and I rarely see guys who I immediately think are this attractive even in my ‘type’! In fact, I think it’s the first time I’ve whimpered.

Anyway. He goes in alone each time and I haven’t spotted a ring… We seem to go in around the same time on a certain day, and I have a chance to hopefully spot him this week… And I really want to approach him. I’ve wanted to before but been too scared.

I’ve never hit on a stranger, and had no clue what I was doing when hitting on guys I did already kinda know, so this could be a disaster.

MEN – What exactly can I say to him that cuts to the chase so he’s clear I like him, but doesn’t come over super intense?

If it helps, we are both 30s/40s.

I am thinking of keeping it super simple/clear/polite by saying something to the effect of *”hey there, I’m sorry if this is a bit random but I was wondering if I can give you my number in case you may consider going out with me sometime?”* (in a stereotypical bumbling Brit type way, no doubt) but is this enough? Is it too boring? Is it too to the point? Is it something else I’ve not thought of despite massively overthinking this??

I guess I can always just stop going that time on that day if he straight up says no haha

(Edited for formatting fail)

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