My (m33) gf (f31) of 2 years showed me a tik tok of a couple where the guy comments on another couple saying they were both objectively hotter than the two of them.

She then asked me “am I the hottest woman in the world to you?”
I replied: “You’re definitely one of the hottest”

This sparked an instant negative outburst where she fled the room and started crying.

She didn’t speak to me for hours and we just had a huge fight where she has gone home in a fit of rage.

When we were talking about it she said that every woman would have this same reaction and I’m basically just a pig.

I think it is that this is super immature and young girl / high school energy and even asking questions like “am I the hottest woman in the world to you?” Is such a loaded question. It’s an insecure mindset as a baseline and isn’t how I want to live or base a relationship on.

Now for context, I tell her daily I think she is the most beautiful woman in the world (she really genuinely is stunning and beautiful both physically and in nature).

I constantly edify and build her up and compliment her and she has had her fair share of issues with personal self esteem.

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