So, this all started 3 days ago on Friday. I betrayed my friend’s trust and went behind his back and gave myself admin on his discord server after he took it away that same day. In hindsight it was a stupid decision and it’s 100% my fault. But then he decided to block me on both Discord and Insta and unfriended me. On top of that he also kicked me out of our private GC on the server and took away my admin(the admin part was deserved I will admit) He then told our other friend(there’s 4 friends in our friend group me included) to send me a sc which was basically him telling me to go fuck myself and to never think of talking to him again and I’m dead to him. So I was planning on giving him space first maybe 1-2 weeks before trying to apologize over phone messages or getting one of my friends to send the apology to him. Either that or I send the apology to the public server channel which he will probably not look at. One of my friends told me that the reason that friend didn’t kick me was because he didn’t want to ruin the relationship between the rest of the friend group. But it did affect us a lot, my friends would rather hang out with my other friend than me. That friend even said like my other friend(who was kicked from the server twice because he also got mad at him) was doing a better job being a friend than me. So if all goes south and this friendship can’t be saved then how do I help make new friends? I’ve tried striking up conversations with a lot of kids at school but that didn’t really work.

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