My (19M) old gf (18F) and I have been split up for a year now (last January) but we were together for 8 months prior. We never went out on any bad terms, we’re even still friends on instagram and Snapchat, but she even said she didn’t think she was mature enough to maintain the relationship at the time (I know I had some issues too). She even showed up to my high school graduation party last May. However, we haven’t spoken to each other since last June. I’ve thought a lot about what did and didn’t work for both of us in this year, and personally I would like to give it another shot. MY attraction toward her never fully went away, but I don’t know that she feels the same. I don’t want to ask her and have her be annoyed with me, but also I would just like to test the waters again. Is a year of being split up too far gone or is it possibly worth a shot?

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