The guy that I’m into and I work together at a fast food restaurant. He came in later than me one day. I wear makeup everyday. Foundation, concealer, eye shadow, everything

Him: has it been busy today?

Me: No it’s actually been really slow

Him: Okay, so you’ve just been hanging around here looking pretty?

  1. Maybe, maybe not. Hard to tell without hearing the tone since English has the term “Sit pretty” to mean do nothing (I use it as a guy to other guys even). But maybe he knows that and is trying to be indirect with his interest.

    Try to feel it out and be a little flirty as well. See where it goes 🙂

  2. Yes he’s hitting on you.

    If you want to move forward, ask him out. If you’re into him, don’t play games and try to drop a hint by flirting or hitting on him back. Cut to the chase and save some time lol. Plus you’ll get to weed him out if he’s insecure about getting asked out by a girl (I assume).

  3. As a guy I would personally never say that to a girl unless I was hitting on her. So I would say yes he was def hitting on u

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