context: i was in my first semester last year (Sep-Dec). i’m in uni.

soooo idk where to start but this girl (18F) and I (19M), let’s call her P.

P and I have been “friends” since November. P and I immediately hit it off the first few days, I mean we talked from 9pm to 10am 3 days in a row. then suddenly, we stop talking. during all this she admits to my friends that she really likes me and finds me cute but then she still talked about other guys so i js kept quiet.

fast forward to a few weeks later (2-3), she gets really high and pulls up to where my friends and I are chilling. i was also high but I can control it, her on the other hand is a lightweight. anyway, she sits next to me and starts talking, seemed normal enough so I continue the conversation. all of a sudden she starts to get reaalll touchy and starts laying on my shoulder, shit like that. finding excuses to touch me is as simple as I can put it lmao. she makes sexually suggestive comments, for example, she accidentally brushed my thigh and proceeds to say “Oh sorry did I touch your big d*ck” and that was SO out of left field. I got reallllyy weirded out and I left to my friends room. it’s been awkward ever since and I really wish I didn’t get weirded and out dip.

about her, i feel like she’s pure; she hasn’t been in a relationship, only kissed 2 guys in her first sem (don’t know if that’s a red flag or not) and hasn’t done shit ever since. she recently got played by a guy (canon event) and since then i’ve been sorta debating whether i should start talking to her again like before. don’t ask me why lool.

also for some reason all my friends don’t seem to like her at all, and maybe im blinded but i don’t see a reason to not like her.

wanted to get more opinions on what i should do next.

should i:

A) start talking again and see if it rekindles anything.

B) let it be as it is, much better fish in the sea.

C) try and slowly just become friends with her again, no chasing just going with the flow.

appreciate yall 🙏🙏.

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