Cant form long sentences i answer “sharp”. When i try to talk freely and think of words they come out slow i cant talk them faster. If i ask myself the question if i can talk there is a simple answer that i cant talk and thats it. My brain is not letting me speak but i want to. How to fix my mind’s denial of a normal speech?

  1. Maybe you’re overthinking it? What happens if you say the first thing on your mind and just keep saying the first thing on your mind?

  2. That is normal, try not to be too hard on yourself. Speaking fast and eloquently is not easy. It takes a lot of practice.


    I would say try to work on your writing skills if you don’t have a lot of opportunities to talk with others, or if you prefer to stay in the confines of your home.

    Some steps to become a better writer:

    1. Figure out what you are trying to say;
    2. Think logically and edit your text until you’re convinced it conveys the message you are trying to get across in a clear and concise way;
    3. Read, read, and read. Better if they’re books from known writers;
    4. Practice. Try to be as clear as possible every time you write.

    I’ve found this helps with our ability to think, and that with a lot of training, we’re more likely to be able to recall ways of speech in the heat of the moment, resulting in better fluency. Keep in mind that you also need to actually practice speaking, as there are a lot of other components involved such as facial muscles.

    Good luck

  3. It’s hard to tell without talking to you, but it could be a mental health/cognitive issue.

  4. When I was dealing with this I was very out of practice in talking to people. Also my mental health was poor and I was way to critical of every little mistake I’d make so I’d trip over my words, I had analysis paralysis because I was also trying to remember everything we talked about. I had a bad habit of feeling like I needed to replay it all in my head later to make sure I didn’t say or do anything wrong. Thats a very bad habit to have, it doesn’t help at all

    Also, I was so used to people interrupting me or talking over me. So I had some habits such as trying to speak really quickly and straight to the point just to be heard, which doesn’t translate very well when you actually are in a normal conversation with a good listener. Also I would usually speak very quietly, I hated the idea of being overheard by people I wasn’t directly speaking to because I couldn’t tailor exactly what I was saying for their ears.

    Realistically this is because my self identity was totally wrapped up in others, I had no internal sense of who I was. Since I’ve been working on this I’ve grown way more comfortable being overheard because its just me being myself now, not giving too much attention to what people expect of me. Just a normal amount which is healthy

    Number 1 for me was practice talking to new people more, and yes seeing it as practice in a sense because a growth mindset will lead to improvements

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