Do you do anything special for today?

  1. Generally it means the kids are out of school but we’re not off work which is always fun to figure out.

  2. It means a “holiday” that zero people who don’t work for the federal government get off work for

  3. In my area we get the 1st day of deer season off but not MLK day so just an acknowledgement of my area’s priorities.

  4. Honestly all I really think of is the Stevie Wonder song from 1980 that kinda pushed MLK JR day into being a holiday by 1983. Been listening to that album a bunch lately

  5. It always reminds me that my dumbass state still celebrates Robert E. Lee on this day.

    Planned to go check out the new Freedom Monument Sculpture Park, but it’s apparently not open yet.

  6. Nothing really.

    In Elementary Through High School it was typically (but not always) a day off but no special events were held (that I was aware of). In College it was not a day off. And since I work most holidays now after college, and a minor one like this one most definitely is not going to be a day off it is no different than any other day.

  7. I’m a teacher, so I’ll be going to the dentist and then lesson planning. A day off, but not really a fun one.

  8. I pause for a moment of gratitude for the whole civil rights movement. I think every American woman who has gone into a traditionally male profession—carpentry, law, or (in my case) systems engineering might consider doing the same. I remember when women were relegated to being secretaries, nurses, or teachers, and I am grateful for Dr. King’s leadership and perseverance in pursuing the goals of dignity and equal treatment for all of us who weren’t treated so.

  9. After all these years and the suffering and sacrifice from people like MLK Jr., its sad to see how many dumb comments are on here.

    This sub sucks.

  10. My wife and I are choosing to make it a special day, because we do admire him as an American hero. We will pull up some of his speeches on YouTube and watch them later tonight.

  11. I don’t do anything special besides spend it with my family usually. Throughout elementary school we learned about MLK Jr just before the day. We read his famous speech, watched documentaries, and had an activity about his life. It seems like the most emphasis of the reason for the day is actually the public school system educating its students about his life. I’m sure there are plenty of people that this day is very important to given how important MLK is. But most I know treat it as any other minor federal holiday.

  12. Just another work day but more annoying than usual because some of our suppliers and the bank are closed.

  13. I don’t really do anything special. I usually celebrate on Sunday nights where me and my girlfriend go out drinking and partying as we’re both off today. Last night we went out and we are still in shambles lol. Today I’m really taking it easy and recovering. I’m going out with my friends tonight, so I guess that’s something. Hopefully I’m not waisted tomorrow morning for work.

  14. It means there is a chance one person has their mind changed today and becomes a better person.

  15. It means a day off, but also means that a man did great things throughout his lifetime, not only that, but MLK was kind to the Jewish community!

  16. If observation of the holiday means anything to you besides a day off it’s likely a day of service. Folks often use MLK day to do some sort of public or community service.

    Edit: swear to god this sub is fucking amazing.

  17. To commemorate one of the intellectual giants of American political history. People forget if they haven’t read any King in a while. We don’t just revere him for being on the winning side of a long standing cultural conflict. He was an amazing thinker and writer.

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