I just recently moved my boyfriend into an apartment in Seattle while I am living in another state for school.

It was my birthday on the 5th of January & our 5 year anniversary on the 12th of January. We planned to celebrate my birthday on the weekend of the 14th while out in Seattle .

He mentioned he had a surprise for me and never followed through. Before getting out of the car to go into the airport I had asked what the “suprise” for my birthday was.

While confronting him about what the “suprise” was he stated that there were no available tickets to a popular comedy club that weekend.

I guess I am just disappointed due to the lack of planning on his end. He also would not have brought up the fact that he didn’t get me anything for my birthday if I had not clarified what the “suprise” was.

In regards to our 5 year anniversary in my opinion I feel as if it is a big celebration, and was disappointed that there was no gift in return.

I am unsure on how to approach this situation as I do not want to be shallow, ungrateful, or a snob about gift giving.

I would also like to add that money is tight for him as there is a lot of expenses that come with moving states, and getting a new job in a new city.

Do I tell him how I feel in terms of my hurt feelings or am I being over dramatic? Should I let this go?

TL; DR- My boyfriend did not get me a birthday present or anniversary gift for our 5 year anniversary. Should/how do I tell him I am upset without being a snob?

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