What baby books would you recommend (if any)? What advice or tips do you have, for all stages (conception, pregnancy, newborn, and beyond)? What do people over-worry about, and what do people not think about enough? How can I best support my wife, as well as myself? What do I do to maintain and support the strong bond that the two of us have while preparing for and introducing an entire other human?

We’re talking about starting a family this year, and I don’t really have a place to turn to for experienced wisdom. I’m sure it’ll all work out and we all make mistakes, but I want to do right by my wife and myself and our future. So I’m turning to /r/AskMenOver30 for the advice I wish I could get from my father or father-in-law (long stories short: I really don’t want to do child-raising they way they did).

Bonus advice… I really want to move out of state. We won’t (and shouldn’t) because there is family here, and my reasons for wanting to leave can’t top that. But kids add a whole other element to life, and I just know this desire to go to a place I actually *want* to live my life in won’t go away. My wife won’t really consider the idea, which is her right, and every time we’ve discussed it we’ve had a communication breakdown. I wish I could just *get over it* but that doesn’t seem to be working. Kids are great, however I see the beginning of this next adventure as a countdown to officially being stuck here once and for all, or at least for a long, long time. Any and all advice on this is welcome.

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