So my boyfriend (26m) & I (21f) have been together for about a year now and things were good for the most part. To cut to the chase recently we were having some trouble between us because I had followed an old friend on mine on insta which he did not like. But I did unfollow that person later that night because I knew it wouldn’t be worth the trouble.
The next day my boyfriend apparently noticed that I followed/unfollowed that person which led to a long conversation. I apologized fully and understood what I did was wrong which is why I regret doing so in the first place but in that I had also mentioned that I also saw on his phone around christmas time when while he was using his phone next to me, the top of his ig was pictures of a half naked girl. I said this to him considering both situations were similar with social media in general and that both are feelings were hurt in this.
The following day however again while I was over at his place my boyfriend leaves to use the bathroom with out his phone. Which curiosity got the best of me and I went through his ig again. (Judge me for that all u want idc) When I unlocked his phone and opend his ig yet again I see another girl at the top of his page that isn’t a family or his friends. I go on her page and see that he was repeatedly liking her pics all through out the year we have been together. I look more and see he has pictures of a bunch of other girls on his saved.
This of course devastated me because he reassured me so many times before that he would never do anything like this. That he, from the moment we started dating “unfollowed and removed any girl that’s not family” on his accounts. I took his word for it so I never did any searching up until now.
Fast track to the present day and even more conversations with him and a couple of my friends. We are currently on a break because I am unsure whether or not I should give him a second chance or not. Throughout the relationship he was a great partner and truly changed me for the better especially mentally since we met when I was really depressed from things going on in my personal life. Keep in mind he did show me that he removed anything like that on his phone and promised he’ll never make that mistake again. What should I do…

TLDR: should I break up with my boyfriend after finding other girls pictures in his phone.

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