How much does an american chicken weigh?

  1. Once you remove the feathers and beak and pump it full of sugar and salt water, it’s hard to say.

  2. Tbh I’ve never weighed a chicken. I’m sure the factory chickens that sell at Walmart are fucking huge and probably way bigger than other countries, but your average ol yard bird is probably the same. Right??

  3. This is not a 100% standard.
    Breed, age, and other factors will play into this.

    Costco’s (a major nationwide grocer) rotisserie chickens typically weigh about 3 pounds.

  4. Googled it for you.’s result says 6.18 pounds (about 2.8 kg) on average, says about 5.7 lb (2.58 kg). (Though I don’t know and would assume they then burst out in awesome 80s synthpop.)

  5. it depends on what kind you get. A brine farm fed chicken can be like 4 lbs, but a free range organic chicken will be like 2-2.5 lbs.

  6. It depends on what breed of chicken. Brahma chickens are huge. Roosters will get to about 5 kilos. Smaller breeds only about 1/2 kilo.

  7. Depends on the chicken. I have large dual purpose (meat and eggs) breeds, amd they can get up to 8 or 10 pounds (alive).

  8. Really depends on what brand of chicken you get.

    I don’t like the bigger ones, they dry out before they can cook through. They’re 5-6 pounds

    I get little 1&1/2 – 2 pounds chickens, they’re either organic or halal. I prefer halal because it’s just cheaper than the organic ones. Comes out so much more juicy and flavorful

  9. What you’ll find in most supermarkets are broilers/fryers, roasters, and Cornish game hens. A game hen is just a very young chicken weighing less than 2 pounds. A broiler or fryer is about 7 weeks old, and ranges from 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 pounds. A roaster is between 8 and 12 weeks old and weighs 5 pounds or more.

  10. Like when it’s still alive and clucking? Or do you mean when buying a whole chicken at the grocery store?

  11. The ones I get from the grocery store typically weigh between 4.5 and 6.5 pounds.

  12. I have four pet chickens not intended for eating. They’re about 4-5 pounds each. We used to have one which was dual purpose (intended to be eaten) who was closer to 6 pounds.

  13. Massively more than when I was backpacking Asia. Maybe it was where I was but all the chickens I saw were very small compared to the ones I’ve seen in America, even at friends farms.

  14. The average grocery store chicken, uncooked and usually brined, will weigh between 3.5 to 5.5 pounds.

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