I’m not sure how to handle this personally speaking. I hate feeling like I need to put on a mask and return their charm or being conversational, because I don’t want them to realize I’m not comfortable with how disingenuous they are being. For a couple of people, I can tell they just talk to me to get information out of me about myself so they can have stuff to talk about with others. I’m completely in the dark about what is being shared amongst everyone, so I’m pretty much an outside, but I’ve received sarcasm and kind of an attitude like when I’m the subject they are making fun of me…

I’m just exhausted and feel lonely at work, so I just keep things “professional”. But, I’m getting so exhausted it’s getting to the point where I want to shoot myself in the foot, and maybe say something that will have them leave me alone. In the best case scenario I just want them to respect or like me, so I hold off on being cold towards them and brushing certain people off.

I don’t know maybe this is more of an emotional problem and I’m getting tired of ending up in this situation. It’s making me really sad, cause I always fall for the charms of others, and just come to find out they don’t really care they just want to gossip or share information. I’ve never been the type to do that, and this seems like the norm for more social people.

I’m really starting to give up and just not trust people anymore…

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