I have never given my parents a reason to not trust me. I live an incredibly boring life for a 14 year old. I’ve never kissed a girl, drank, smoked, snuck out, or done anything that would give my parents a reason to not trust me. I never even have time to be a trouble maker, my grades always have to be good or I lose what very little privileges I have, I have had to graduate with the highest merit every single year since sixth grade, and I am being forced to play for two baseball teams (I have to practice from 3-9 PM every single day)

I don’t have a lock on my bedroom or bathroom door, my mom knows the password to my phone and all the passwords for all of my accounts, and my parents have 24/7 access to my bank account and they don’t let me use my money or withdraw it.

Please give me advice, I don’t know what I should do. If they don’t loosen up soon then I’m gonna start giving them plenty of reasons not to trust me. I can’t do this anymore.

TL;DR parents are strict for no reason and I need advice.

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