I don’t want to lose my family
I recently was told by my wife that she wants a divorce. We’ve been married a little under three years now and have a young son who is not quite 2 years old yet. She said that she wants a divorce to protect our son. She wants the house and expects me to leave. The arrangement would be I would still take care of our son during the day while she’s at work and then still work in the evenings. I’m fine with these things if it has to go down this way because I want what’s best for my son. I want him to have security and safety. What I wonder is if there is anyway I can prove to my wife that our marriage is worth keeping. I admit I was in autopilot for a long time and didn’t know how to seek help to heal myself to be a better husband. A year into our marriage, I lost my mom and insulated myself from everyone and became afraid to open up or even feel too deeply. She tried to warn me and tell me the path we were on was going to lead to this but it’s like I could only partially hear it. I thought I could find it within myself to be better and to change but I realize I didn’t know how. I was defensive and passive aggressive and mean at times because I thought I was fulfilling my end of the bargain in our marriage. Sadly, I wasn’t growing as her partner and was just stagnant. However, I and sleeping in our spare bedroom now and have been trying to be better. I am taking care of my health by working out and eating better. I am seeking counseling and therapy. I am trying to require my brain to actually hear her and have real conversations with her no matter how hard. I admit I am not a great communicator but I am trying to learn to be for the sake of us. I know I can be the man she hoped for. I am trying my very hardest to grow as a human being in every way. Hopefully it resonates with her because I need my family whole. She was pretty firm in the idea that a divorce is necessary, but I don’t necessarily agree.

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