For a while now I’ve been really confused as to whether my flatmates like me or just tolerate me. I’m (M19) a first year in a uk uni and I’m convinced that I’m not liked by my flatmates. Quite a few things have happened that make me think this.

Firstly, I’ll explain the general dynamic. There’s 4 girls and three boys (including me) in the flat, and for the sake of simplicity I will say that we are all the same age. One girl doesn’t speak at all as she has no interest in doing so, the other three get along with each other really well. Then, one of the boys has a girlfriend living in the same building so they’re always together, and are barely seen. The other boy hangs around me most of the time. The girls talk to him more than they talk to me (they message him more, talk to him in passing, and he seems to get along with them well). Initially, me and him spoke a lot and hung out a lot, but lately I’ve noticed a negative change in his attitude towards me, and he also has dark triad traits which I realised recently. It comes across as though he sees me as a convenient “friend”; he will spend time with me but doesn’t seem to enjoy it anymore. It makes me feel undervalued and unworthy a lot of the time.

Moving on, I can talk to the girls one on one no problem, and in those situations it is genuinely enjoyable and I feel like I have a decent support network (for context, I am gay and feminine so I find it beneficial to have a support network like that). However, I notice that in group situations that they don’t seem to enjoy my presence. If they are talking in the communal area and I walk in, they make an excuse and go and hang out in one of their rooms. They don’t bother to include me in group conversations, but they always include the other boy in the conversations if he is in the room. He will sometimes join them in one of their rooms, and I am often left alone in the communal space feeling left out, disappointed, and upset. I don’t really understand why this happens, however I am aware that there is a group chat aside from the main flat chat which I am not involved in.

Then, a few months after we all moved in, I spent a night with my friend and we were both drinking quite strong drinks. We both had the same amount, and he ended up throwing up in the communal space. He went to bed and I was left to clean up, which I didn’t mind. The others came out to help which I really appreciated at the time. What I didn’t understand the next day was that one of the girls was really angry at me for everything that happened. She put full blame on me for him throwing up and causing the mess, when he knew his limits and should have said he didn’t want anymore. He was absolved of any blame whatsoever and I just found the situation really weird overall. I understand, from what was said to me the next day, that I said something to someone in a rude way in my drunken state. So fair enough for getting mad at me for that. But I didn’t understand why I got blamed for the mess when I was also helping to clean it up. I also didn’t understand why I was blamed for him drinking to that point.

There have been occasions where, after a few drinks between me and this boy, he has told me to get away from him and go to my room, when I was in the communal space. This has always made me feel quite small and crappy, because it’s always normally after we’ve had a good night. One time, I refused to leave and told him to make me, which led to him digging his nails into my arm hard enough to cut the skin, and he also proceeded to pull harshly on my hair. I don’t know why I let him do this, but I’d had enough drinks to not care enough in the moment to say anything. Despite this, I still felt somewhat close with him until I realised he was manipulating my feelings to get me to be around him all the time and buy him things. Now that I have realised this, however, I can be more guarded than I was.

I know it is wrong to speculate, but whenever he goes and hangs out with the girls in one of their rooms, I cannot shake the feeling that they talk about me. I used to think that this was very unlikely, until lately, where I’ve started to notice that they all seem to not enjoy my company and seem to tolerate me less. Despite this, I can still have good one on one experiences with each of them. In group situations though, I can tell he no longer feels as comfortable with me. He doesn’t make any eye contact anymore, any conversation he has is directed at the girls when it used to be directed at me, and it makes me feel awful, because I thought he was a good friend until I discovered his darker personality traits.

I guess what I’m trying to ask is whether, considering all this, whether my flatmates actually like me or if they just tolerate me because I live there.

Tl:dr need help figuring out if my flatmates like me or not, by looking at different situations that have happened so far

EDIT: I should add that this has happened over the last five months, and in between the not so great moments there have been really good ones. It isn’t all bad and that is why I get so confused on whether they enjoy my presence or not.

1 comment
  1. This is really strange. It certainly does sound like you’re somehow annoying them at times. Could it just be the proximity of living together and spending so much time together?

    In general, I think it’s super hard to have roommate situations work out long term, especially with so many people in the mix. Maybe you need to make more friends outside of the house?

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