Yes, you can say your looks make a difference and yes, to an extent they do. BUT, looks are not everything to most women either. I can’t speak for all women but in my experience and with the women I am close to (4 sisters plus too many female friends..) all I can say is that confidence, personality and how a man treats them is far more important than his looks.

For simplicity, I’m using “all” but realize it doesnt’ apply to “all” women. I just don’t feel like typing out “most or some women” over and over.

No. I am not saying women don’t care about looks. They do but not in the same way or as much as men care about a woman’s looks. Women (everyone) all want someone they are physically attracted to but, the thing is is that, a man can be a solid 5 or 6 but with a great personality, confidence, charm and humor, can easily shoot him up to an 8. All without being an 8 in the looks department. Which is why you see a lot more “ugly” guys with gorgeous women than the other way around. Men are pretty shallow when it comes to a woman’s looks, usually.

Attraction is funny in how it works with men compared to women. Just because you think you aren’t attractive enough for that pretty woman doesn’t mean you aren’t.

This is all to say you still need to be realistic because in general, an 8 woman has a ton of attention and is likely preferring an 8 of a man but that’s generalizing and is not entirely true. Every single person on this planet has their very own “ideal” person. You might be that person. Stop disqualifying yourself just because YOU think you aren’t “good enough” for them or aren’t attractive enough! Maybe you aren’t. But what if you are?! You have no idea what she is looking for. Maybe she doesn’t want some hot dude but prefers the more average guys for xyz reason. But maybe she does prefer the hot 10s. You won’t ever know if you just disqualify yourself from the get go. Go try and get rejected, or maybe you wont’!

Approaching women can be “scary” but it’s really not. They are just humans too. They have emotions, empathy, sympathy, feelings and aren’t monsters.

They aren’t going to bite you and suck you dry of blood or tear your nuts off to add to their boba tea or humiliate you – unless ***you*** cause them to do any of those things lol. They are humans with emotions just like you. Be polite, respectful, know when to take a hint to fuck off, and that’s it.

Your fear of rejection is the only thing that holds you back from anything in life. Rejection isn’t a big deal though! You will never be everyones “cup of tea” so ingrain that into your mind and understand it. Doesn’t matter how attractive or ugly you are. Everyone wants the type of “tea” that they like. You might not be it but, how do you know if you just do nothing?


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