Why is every question on here about relationships or what women want?

  1. Cause dudes don’t ask other dudes questions (it’s like asking for directions) that mostly only leaves questions from women.

  2. Because women are asking most of the questions and AskMen is far superior to AskWomen.

  3. Because reddit is full of young adults who have no social skills and think that they’re the first person to come up with any idea. So on an ‘ask’ forum directed at men you end up with a bajillion variations of the same questions about how to interact with other people, most of which are about interacting with women.

  4. Because most men don’t know what women want, women barely know what they want.

  5. Could be because that many men are lonely and want to know how to get women to look at them?

  6. Because this is a subreddit for specifically asking men as a group questions, and relationships with women is probably the most common thing men as a group both have questions about and have experiences with to answer said questions.

  7. Because people have no creativity

    My question about favorite pokemon gets flagged by the bot for being too repetitive

    But the 5286516181th question about penis size? that shit will go to the front page

  8. Because reddit is filled with 20 year old kids who are lonely and desperate for pussy?

  9. Most of life is relatively easy to figure out if you break it down logically into First Principles.

    Achieving the end results may be difficult but generally you can understand it. e.g. Make more $$$, create more value.

    Women are a huge exception. Even Brad Pitt or Henry Cavill isn’t universally attractive to women.

    Even if they are attracted to you, women can flip hot and cold and back in an instant.

  10. Mostly teenagers wanting to know exactly how they must behave in order to catch and retain the popular boy. It’s very juvenile sometimes

  11. Lots of men have burning questions they want to ask women. This provides them with a place to have those questions answered. It is what it is.

  12. Simple.

    Relationships and it’s dynamics are a huge issue for men and is one of the leading sources of our issues with mental and emotional health.

    As men we don’t really have any kind of platform or support system for discussing these things without the risk of being called toxic or entitled or any other variation of a negative, so an anon forum dedicated to men asking questions to other men and I’m sure plenty of women here as well, where we can share our experiences and learnings to continue to grow into more complete people is a good environment, and will invariably lead to questions in this theme.

    Sex. Women. Relationships. Career. Money. Family.

    Nobody know what the fuck they’re doing or if they’re doing it right. It helps to see other peoples views and get some feedback to indicate that you’re not a complete fucking diaster and that other people are feeling similar things or having comparable experiences.

  13. I’d say its because those questions can’t get asked in another sub but more likely no one has anything fucking original to ask.

    Likes someone gonna ask “I woke up with my pet snake biting my dick, what do i do my dicks going purple” or maybe “just caught my daughter with my brother how deep should the hole be” i can’t see questions like that been asked.

  14. I feel like 90% of the posters here are women asking a question about their boyfriends, so..

  15. Idk man. AskMen could be AskWomen but without derailing deletion if people would just ask questions about different topics.

  16. Because thats what humans spend an exorbitant amount of their time and energy on lol. That’s why OLD companies are worth billions and shows like “the bachelor” are super popular.

  17. Is it women asking men or men asking men? 🤔

    Plus what’s your sort? I bet in new it’s much different than popular…. And I bet dating is a popular topic because it’s changed so rapidly with apps and the pandy.

  18. Because a lot of men think there’s some sort of magic pick up artist secret to picking up tons of women when the reality is you just need to actually be outgoing and talk to people instead of spending your whole life on the internet.

  19. Because talking about emotional issues and getting support for struggles is harder

  20. Women don’t even know what women want. People are so desperate for answers they’re on r/askmen now.

  21. Because if any of us knew anything about women we would be with them and not on Reddit.

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