I (27F) have been dating this dude I met on a dating app (28M) for a little over a month now. He lives about an hour away. We went on two dates and we have another date coming up next Friday. The distance between us is one of the major reasons why we haven’t gone out more. We do text every day though. I like him and I would like to continue seeing. However, we haven’t kissed yet. We have just hugged goodbye every time we saw each other. Though I don’t mind going slow, I feel like with the distance, it’s going even slower; so I feel like we need to make the most of it when we get to see each other in person. He has admitted that he has a little social awkwardness thing going on and hasn’t been on the dating scene for many many years and seems to be self conscious about that. For that reason, I doubt that he’s gonna make the first move and kiss me during or after our date next week. I’m also kinda shy and I hate to initiate stuff like that… what can I do to make him at ease enough to kiss me ? Or how can I make the first move without being too awkward? (In the event he doesn’t initiate it).

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