I (19M) will be going to summer classes in college, but I want to become more socially outgoing at my college since I really don’t know many people there and want to make some friends with both guys and girls, but I get nervous about making small talk and approaching them, are there any tips or tricks on making friends and being able to approach them and making small talk?


  1. Pick up a book on neuro-linguistic programming. It’s basically the science of how people perceive words and inflection. It’s used extensively in sales but It’s a great tool for effective communication in any situation. Also, you can just make yourself do it. Go up to people and introduce yourself. If there’s a common interest, that’s your ice breaker. I won’t tell you it’s easy but it’s not complicated. It just takes practice.

  2. Key is to just force yourself to do it. It gets much easier with practice. Also for icebreakers keep it simple and relevant “what did you think about what the teacher said about this”.

    For the most part, everyone wants someone else to do the approaching. Just follow the “yes and” practice to try and keep the convo going.

    Not everyone will bite the first time, but over a few classes they’ll know you’re an easy person to talk to.

  3. You practice your vibe every day in places where it matters a whole lot less, with people like: cashiers, gym attendants, bank tellers, coffee servers, store clerks, etc. Stuff to practice: make good eye contact, light up a big smile, give an energetic greeting (HI, how ARE you? or HEY, how’s it GOING?). Add at least 10-20 percent more energy to your greeting than you’re used to doing. Notice that YOU can set the tone of any interaction by bringing warmth and enthusiasm.

    Here’s a few traits that are useful for most social interactions, I call them ECHO: Enthusiasm, Confidence, Humor & Optimism. Most people don’t have all four of those things, but if you can work on developing two of them, that’s a great start.

    Good luck!

  4. I remember reading this somewhere but this has been known to help people to become more socially outgoing, whenever you go shopping, compliment the cashier, if they take it well great! if they don’t really seem like they care, you can just leave.


    If you need help with anything else hmu

    Hope this helps 😀

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